Police Investigating Sale of 15-years-old Girl for Marriage for €150

Trnava, October 29 (TASR) – The Slovak police are investigating the sale of a 15-years-old girl for marriage, with those responsible for the deal facing the possibility of spending up to 12 years in prison, TASR was told by Police Corps spokesperson Denisa Bardyova on Thursday.
The case goes back to 2011, when Tatiana S. (aged 51 at the time) and Miroslav L. (56) made a deal with Monika K. (45) and Roman K. (46). “The deal was about the sale of a then 15-years-old girl for marriage for €150. The girl had to move subsequently against her own will to the common household, do housework there and care for the husband, without being allowed to leave the household,” said Bardyova.
The four aforementioned individuals were arrested by the National Unit for the Fight Against Illegal Migration in Trnava region on Thursday.