Police Recommend Prosecutor to Charge Ladislav B.

Bratislava, February 16 (TASR) – The police have concluded their investigation into tax fraud allegedly committed by a well-known businessman, for legal purposes identified only as Ladislav B., recommending a special prosecutor to press charges, news websites aktuality.sk and tvnoviny.sk reported on Friday.
“The investigator has presented a proposal to the supervising prosecutor of the Special Prosecutor’s Office to press charges. The prosecutor will decide on further moves after examining the investigation file,” Prosecutor General’s Office spokesperson Andrea Predajnova told tvnoviny.sk.
Ladislav B., who is said to own the luxurious Bonaparte residential complex in which Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) lives, paid almost €2 million a few days ago to the tax office in an attempt to use so-called ‘effective regret’, i.e. an additional payment of tax with the aim of securing impunity.
The special prosecutor will now decide whether Ladislav B. has the right to use effective regret. In a similar case last year, the Constitutional Court ruled that it isn’t possible to apply effective regret when excessive VAT allowances are concerned.