Police Stopped Prosecution of Vladimir Meciar in Amnesty Case

Bratislava, August 6 (TASR) – An investigator of the Bratislava Regional Directorate of the Police Corps has stopped the prosecution of former prime minister Vladimir Meciar for abuse of power in public office in the amnesty case, with a prosecutor approving the decision, TASR learnt from Matej Izakovic of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Bratislava.
The suspicion of abusing the authority of a public official stemmed from granting amnesties in the case of the 1995 kidnapping of ex-president Michal Kovac’s son to Austria. For this deed, Meciar granted amnesties, which were abolished in 2017. Subsequently, in July 2017, the police opened an investigation for this deed, which was closed in August as it was allegedly barred by the statute of limitations. From October of that year, however, an investigation was started again and in July this year, an investigator of the Bratislava Regional Directorate of the Police Corps stopped it.
“The prosecutor of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Bratislava, who supervises the matter, assessed the decision as justified and in accordance with the law,” prosecutor of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Bratislava Matej Izakovic told TASR.