Poll Shows Caputova and Matovic Most Credible Politicians

Poll Shows Caputova and Matovic Most Credible Politicians

Bratislava, April 20 (TASR) – President Zuzana Caputova is viewed as the most trustworthy politician in Slovakia, according to the results of an AKO agency poll showing that she has the trust of 83.6 percent of the respondents.

Prime Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) finished behind Caputova on 64.7 percent. Parliamentary Chair Boris Kollar (We Are Family) was placed third on 61.6 percent, followed by former premier and incumbent Parliamentary Vice-chair Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD – 60.9 percent) and Economy Minister Richard Sulik (Freedom and Solidarity/SaS – 50.2 percent).

The rest of the results were as follows: Vice-premier for Investments and Informatisation Veronika Remisova (For the People – 49 percent), and MP and far-right LSNS leader Marian Kotleba (19.6 percent).

The poll was carried out on the days April 14-17 for Novy Cas daily.