Premier Calls for Independence from Supplies of Siberian Gas and Oil

Bratislava, May 12 (TASR) – There is only one way for Slovakia to break out of Russia’s energy trap, it must finally stop being dependent on Siberian gas and oil supplies, Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) posted on a social network on Thursday.
“For decades of Russian oil and gas flowing to Europe, no one has been found to reject these supplies for some political reasons despite agreements. European companies in line with their contracts with Russian suppliers have purchased oil and gas, paid for them agreed prices and owners of oil and gas pipelines have supplied them with these raw materials for a fee,” stated the premier, calling it a normal business.
The prime minister added that something unimaginable happened during the winter of 2009. “Russia stopped supplying gas through Ukraine, disconnecting part of Europe. We responded correctly. Our technicians did something that had previously been considered impossible. In a few short weeks, they converted the Brotherhood gas pipeline to two-way,” stressed Heger, pointing out that the situation is being repeated again. “President Putin has devised a senseless obstruction about rouble payments for gas and has already disconnected Poland and Bulgaria from the supplies,” he added.
Heger noted that only the Slovak disinformation scene refuses to see that Russia is no longer a reliable energy supplier. “And so it invents nonsense, such as the claim that Ukraine is blackmailing Slovakia by shutting down oil and natural gas, while it’s just the opposite. Putin is blackmailing us,” said Heger.
The premier concludes by saying that getting out of the “Russian energy trap” will cost us resources and increased efforts. “But we’ll overcome this obstacle in the same way as we overcame it in 2009. We aren’t alone even now but in a society of strong democracies,” he emphasised.