Premier: Important for Slovakia to Move to Innovation via Skills

Porto, May 7 (TASR-correspondent) – It is important for Slovakia to move towards innovation and work with higher added value, which won’t be possible without skills, Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) told journalists during a summit of leaders of the European Union member states in Porto, Portugal on Friday.
The leaders are set to continue their meeting there on Saturday (May 8).
Slovakia also puts a strong emphasis on skills development in its recovery plan. “In order for education to produce people ready for the labour market and to have all the skills they need,” noted the premier, adding that it’s also important for people to develop their skills throughout their lives.
Commenting on the social summit, Heger pointed out that the novel coronavirus pandemic has left its mark on the EU countries. “It has moved us to the point where we realise that the pandemic has left a mark on us and moved us to a Europe that will be different,” said the prime minister.
According to him, it’s very important for countries to be able to respond to all the challenges that lie ahead of them in relation to climate change or digital change.
The premier also attended a meeting of leaders of the V4 (Visegrad Four) countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) in Porto.