Premier: Only Scenario to Resolve Crisis Is For SaS to Step Back from Ultimatum

Premier: Only Scenario to Resolve Crisis Is For SaS to Step Back from Ultimatum

Bratislava, August 20 (TASR) – The OLaNO, ‘For the People’ and ‘We Are Family’ parties agreed that the only scenario for the way out of the coalition crisis is for the Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party to back down from its ultimatum and for the coalition to agree on new conditions of cooperation, stated Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) following the talks of the coalition parties in the Government-owned Borik Hotel in Bratislava on Saturday.

The premier specified in front of the journalists that he submitted five proposals to the partners to change the coalition agreement – they relate to the exchange of state secretaries at the Finance and Economy Ministries, the functioning of coalition councils without OLaNO leader Igor Matovic and SaS head Richard Sulik, as well as the creation of an arbitration commission for coalition disputes, in which each party would have three members. “However, in case of equality of votes, SaS would have the decisive vote,” added Heger.

There should also be sanctions for attacks on a coalition partner, for example the loss of the post of parliamentary committee chairman. Heger also suggested defining a clear plan of measures to help people during the energy crisis and other redistribution of ministries.

“I must state that three parties in the coalition – OLaNO, ‘For the People’ and ‘We Are Family’ – have agreed that the only scenario to end the coalition crisis is to abandon the ultimatum from SaS and agree on new conditions for coalition cooperation,” added Heger. “I think it’s a fair offer,” he said, appealing to professionalism, which pushes the personal level aside.

Finance Minister and OLaNO leader Igor Matovic is convinced that the unbending approach of the SaS leader is motivated by his personal antipathy. “I have the feeling that Sulik suffers from an obsession with hatred towards me,” he said, expressing the belief that SaS’ statements about trying to find a way to continue the current Government are false. According to him, the leader of the liberals was determined to overthrow the Government even before July 6, when he withdrew from the coalition agreement on behalf of SaS.