Premier: Outpatient Doctors Started Vaccinating against COVID-19

Dolny Kubin, July 1 (TASR) – Outpatient doctors have begun officially vaccinating against COVID-19 on Thursday July 1, Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) told a briefing in Dolny Kubin (Zilina region) on the same day, adding that they will administer the Comirnaty vaccine from Pfizer/Biontech.
Health Minister Vladimir Lengvarsky (an OLaNO nominee) added that so far 290 general practitioners and paediatricians have been involved. “We’re looking for all ways to increase the vaccination rate as much as possible. Vaccination by GPs and paediatricians is one of them. We’ll once again support mobile vaccination teams, vaccination in factories and companies and excluded communities,” said Lengvarsky.
In addition to general practitioners’ departments for adults, vaccinations will also start in paediatric outpatient departments from Thursday July 1. Those interested in vaccination no longer have to go to large-capacity centres to get a vaccine or wait for mobile teams. People won’t have to sign in for vaccination via the website, this option will be offered directly by their doctor who will also document the entire process, including the record in the systems and the vaccination certificate. More than 700 pharmacies are distributing vaccines to outpatient departments.