President Approaches Constitutional Court over Penal Code Amendment

Bratislava, February 19 (TASR) - President Zuzana Caputova approached the Constitutional Court on Monday in connection with the approved amendment to the Penal Code, TASR was told by spokesman for the head of state Martin Strizinec on the same day.
Caputova wants the court to review the amendment's compliance with the Constitution and at the same time she proposed suspending the effectiveness of the law until the court decides on her proposal.
"In her submission, the president challenges the process of adopting the law via fast-tracked legislative proceedings as well as its content. Among other things, she criticises the violation of the state's positive commitment to effectively punish criminal activity and protect the rights of citizens harmed by criminal activity," said Strizinec.
The head of state is convinced that the combination of a fundamental reduction in penalty rates, an increase in damage limits, changes in the imposition of conditional prison sentences and changes in the area of statutes of limitation is the resignation of the state to protect the safety of its citizens, the protection of their fundamental rights and freedoms as well as the positive commitment of the state to effectively enforce justice, and means a strong diversion from the protection of the principles of the rule of law. According to the president, the impact of these changes is further highlighted through the strengthening of the procedural rights of suspects, the accused and defendants through changes in the Penal Code.