President: SIS Director Alac Ends in Post

Bratislava, August 23 (TASR) - President Zuzana Caputova decided to dismiss director of the Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS) Michal Alac with effect as of Thursday (August 24), TASR learnt from spokesman for the head of state Martin Strizinec on Wednesday.
In accordance with the SIS statutes, the director's powers will be fully exercised by his deputy Tomas Rulisek, who is a long-time SIS member, and who was also in charge of SIS international relations.
The motion for Alac's dismissal was approved by the government earlier on Wednesday. The submission of the proposal for Alac's ouster was announced on Monday (August 21) by Prime Minister Ludovit Odor. The ouster is related to the criminal charges Alac is currently facing. It concerns the crime of setting up, masterminding and supporting a criminal group and the crime of misusing his powers.