Prime Minister: Constitution a Crown Jewel of Our Law, Defines Our Values

Prime Minister: Constitution a Crown Jewel of Our Law, Defines Our Values

Bratislava, September 1 (TASR) – The Constitution is the crown jewel of Slovak law, defining our values and setting rules for society, Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) declared in his speech to mark Constitution Day on Wednesday.

“If the citizens and state bodies were to behave in accordance with the Constitution, we would live in a free and just country, under the rule of law. We would live in a country where the spirit of tolerance and coordination prevails,” claimed Heger, adding that every society requires its members to cooperate.

“I’m not afraid of discussion, of exchange of arguments. The best solutions will see the light of day only when we talk together,” stated Heger. He added, however, that he is worried that the fruitful discussion and factual argumentation might be overshadowed by hatred, unwillingness to listen to each other, malevolence but also purpose-built twisting of facts.

“Let’s not allow that to happen. Let’s keep our hearts and minds open. Let’s listen to each other. Let’s not be mean to each other and haughty. Let’s show respect to each other,” he said.