PS Highlights Green Issues and Rule of Law among CoFoE Conclusions

Bratislava, June 6 (TASR) – The extra-parliamentary Progressive Slovakia (PS) party welcomes the fact that the rule of law and green issues are among the most significant topics in the final report of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE), as these are priorities for PS.
The party has told TASR that it would be in favour of revising the basic treaties on the functioning of the EU, an issue that also appeared within the CoFoE.
“We should speak seriously about whether it would be a bigger problem not to revise the basic treaties. If the EU fails to deal with the destruction of the rule of law in several member states, it might collapse. Reforming our joint functioning would require a lot of political effort and demanding negotiations, but we in PS believe that we’d come out of them much stronger and more united,” stated the party.
PS stressed that some of the measures resulting from the CoFoE will require such revisions. “Milan Simecka, the European Parliament Vice-president for PS, for example, has long been promoting a change in the method of voting from seeking unanimous agreement to a qualified majority – particularly in areas such as foreign policy and economic sanctions. Even today, joint action by 26 countries has been torpedoed by [Hungarian Premier] Viktor Orban, thereby helping Putin in his bloody military aggression in Ukraine,” added PS.
The party praised the conference for involving EU citizens in the debate on the future direction of the Union, and it’s in favour of repeating it on a regular basis.