Rasi: Slovakia Taking Preventive Action in Area of Cyber Security

Bratislava, June 17 (TASR) – Cyber security is an area in which there is a huge investment deficit, as countries start focusing on it only when something happens, Vice-premier for Investments and Informatisation Richard Rasi (Smer-SD) told an international OSCE conference on cyber and ICT (information-communication technologies) security in Bratislava on Monday.
According to Rasi, cyber security is of “vital importance” for every person and every country in the world. However, most countries start addressing it in a serious manner only when something happens, such as a cyber attack.
“Therefore, Slovakia has decided to take preventive action in this regard. We want our office to have control over everything that is being done in the field of cyber security. We want the building up of cyber security to be treated systematically and for absolutely everyone to engage in it, as the state’s cyber security is only as good as the weakest link in it,” said Rasi in connection with the National Programme for Building Cyber Security, funding for which is projected at €40 million.
Rasi noted that Slovakia faces cyber attacks almost on a daily basis, adding that this is an area that can never be called ‘absolutely secure’. “However, we must do our best so that we can say in the case of any cyber attack from any part of the world that we’ve done our utmost to protect the Slovak Republic,” he stressed. “All data have now been saved in e-format,” he added.
Rasi views the OSCE conference as very important, especially in terms of unifying cyber security procedures. “Experts are meeting here, sharing their experiences, goals and visions, and this is how protection itself is being coordinated within the entire EU space,” he said.