Referendum on US Military Base in Sliac Sees High Turnout Up to Now

Sliac, October 29 (TASR) – Turnout in the referendum on placement of a US military base in Sliac (Banska Bystrica region) is high up to now. Several hundred residents of this spa town already came to express their opinion on the issue at a local elementary school by mid-time set for holding the referendum.
“Interest is so high that we had to ask for another ballot box where people can cast envelopes,” commission’s recorder Janka Maslejova has told TASR.
The referendum is being held concurrently with the local and regional elections on Saturday. In the referendum Sliac residents can express their opinion on placing a US military base on the premises of Sliac airbase. According to Maslejova, almost everyone who comes to vote also takes part in the referendum.
In addition to the elementary school, people can participate in the referendum at the Sliac municipal office.
The referendum in Sliac is being held based on a petition signed by 1,343 locals. Sliac’s population is some 5,000.