Remaining SaS Ministers Tender Resignations

Bratislava, September 5 (TASR) – The remaining three ministers from the Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party submitted their resignations on Monday, TASR learnt at their press conference on the same day.
Justice Minister Maria Kolikova, Education Minister Branislav Groehling and Foreign Affairs Minister Ivan Korcok followed party leader and ex-economy minister Richard Sulik. The SaS leader noted that as of Monday all SaS ministers are in resignation.
“What Slovakia is experiencing under Igor Matovic’s leadership can’t be called anything other than disruption,” Sulik pointed out and recalled the SaS’ reasons for leaving the Government. According to Sulik, the partners had two months to arrange themselves and show that they care about the country. The SaS leader repeatedly criticised Finance Minister Matovic, mentioning his conflicts, incompetence, cooperation with the fascists, violation of the legislative process and disruption of public finances.
Sulik went on to say that Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) was hope for change, but he allowed himself to be bullied by Matovic, adding that after two years they are leaving the government, in which they have done quality work. “We’re leaving a lot of good work and we’re proud of it,” he pointed out, adding that they are leaving for the opposition. “We’ll be a constructive, professional, but also tough opposition,” he noted.
Sulik rejects the accusation that he’s running away from responsibility. He’d like to remain in charge of the ministry and continue his work. According to him, it would be enough if Matovic left, and Sulik would return to finish the work in progress. As for further work in Parliament, Sulik announced a meeting of the SaS parliamentary caucus on Tuesday (September 6). Subsequently, they’ll inform about their moves concerning individual laws, including the issue of shortening the electoral term.
When asked about a no-confidence motion in Matovic in Parliament, he responded that they would discuss their steps. If such a proposal comes up, he’ll personally vote for it and will also try to convince his colleagues from the party. “It would be illogical if we left the government because Igor Matovic is a member of the government, and then we wouldn’t vote for his ouster,” stated Sulik.