Simkovicova: State Must Increase Control over Public-service Art Funds

Bratislava, February 7 (TASR) - Public-service art funds won't be merged but it's necessary for the state to have relevant tools by which it can control their management and the use of public resources for support activities, stressed Culture Minister Martina Simkovicova (a Slovak National Party/SNS nominee) at a press conference on Wednesday, pointing out the debatable selection of supported projects by the funds.
"That's why MPs' proposals have been submitted to Parliament as they deal with increasing the state's ability to control funds that use public resources," noted the minister, adding that she believes that Parliament will get to these proposals as soon as possible.
Concerning cases of what she considers to be disputable subsidies, the minister pointed out, for example, that the Milan Simecka Foundation received a total of €69,000 in 2023 from the Art Support Fund, the National Minorities Culture Support Fund and the Culture Ministry headed by Silvia Hroncova.
Meanwhile, State Secretary Tibor Bernatak documented the case of a subsidy for a series and a film about mob boss Mikulas Cernak, which received €537,000 from the Audiovisual Fund, while the project about a personality of Slovak history, Slovak National Uprising (SNP) General Jan Golian, received an amount for which it couldn't be accomplished. Bernatak also criticised the fact that the funds don't explain in a relevant way the reasons for not awarding subsidies. "These are often arrogantly vague cliches from which it's impossible to find out why this or that project didn't receive a subsidy," he added.