Slovak Scientists Develop PCR COVID-19 Test, Number of Tested People to Grow

Bratislava, April 7 (TASR) – Slovakia should significantly increase the number of tests for COVID-19 soon, as a team of Slovak scientists headed by Slovak company MultiplexDX has developed a diagnostic PCR test, member of the permanent crisis team Robert Mistrik reported on Tuesday.
At the same time, the foundation of Slovak internet security company ESET will finance the first 100,000 tests of this kind.
“We want Slovakia to be self-sufficient in testing,” stated Mistrik, who also played a part in developing the test. He explained that the quality of the new Slovak tests compares favourably to those seen in other countries. The key test component was developed by scientist Pavol Cekan. According to Prime Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO), this is “an exemplary initiative that will help all people in Slovakia”.
Experts explained that the test has been specifically developed for identifying Slovak SARS-CoV-2 strains, which allows for reliable diagnostics in the early stages of COVID-19. The test is currently in its final phase of development and should enter the production phase over the course of next few days.
The test is currently being validated and should subsequently undergo the certification process. After that, it will be offered to the Public Health Office, a move that could take place within three weeks.