Slovakia Is Important NATO Member, Not Country on Europe's Periphery

Bratislava, June 3 (TASR) – Slovakia is an important NATO member and not just a country on the periphery of Europe, concurred several Slovak politicians after the NATO Parliamentary Assembly at Bratislava Castle, including Interior Minister Denisa Sakova (Smer-SD), Parliamentary Vice-chair and Most-Hid leader Bela Bugar, head of the Slovak Parliament’s Permanent Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Martin Fedor (Most-Hid) and member of the parliamentary committee on European affairs Martin Klus (Freedom and Solidarity/SaS), TASR learnt on Monday.
“We showed our partners that Slovakia isn’t a small country on the periphery of Europe but we’re really right in its centre,” said Fedor, adding that the negotiations at Bratislava Castle were also proof that Slovakia can be in the centre of discussions. Bugar added that it’s extremely important for Slovakia and it also has great symbolism.
According to Klus, the discussion at the castle has shown that Slovakia is an important part of NATO, which adopts decisions unanimously, and that’s why we’re becoming a global player.
The politicians also agreed on the growing support for NATO membership among Slovaks. During his speech, Bugar told the delegates that while in 2017 the support amounted to only about 43 percent, it was 56 percent last year.