SNS: President Disrespecting Constitutional Rules

SNS: President Disrespecting Constitutional Rules
Slovak National Party leader Andrej Danko (photo by TASR)

Bratislava, October 22 (TASR) - The Slovak National Party (SNS) has opined that President Zuzana Caputova is disrespecting constitutional rules and principles with her decision to refuse to appoint Rudolf Huliak, SNS's nominee for the post of environment minister.

The party claimed that the president is bound by the Constitution to appoint individual ministerial nominations proposed by the prime minister without the option of assessing them individually.

According to SNS, the president is setting a dangerous constitutional precedent with her decision to condition the appointment of the entire next government by submitting a new nomination for the post of environment minister.

The party also reminded Caputova that there's is a parliamentary democracy in Slovakia. "The composition of the next government was decided primarily by the public in the general election held in September this year, not in the presidential election in 2019," the party stated.