State Secretary Husar: We're Preparing Three Schemes to Support Sport

Bratislava, September 14 (TASR) – The Education, Science, Research and Sport Ministry is working on three schemes via which the state plans to compensate for financial losses in sport, TASR learnt from the ministry’s communications department on Monday.
The ministry’s State Secretary for Sport Ivan Husar objects to some measures ordered by the Public Health Office (UVZ). He believes that they threaten sport in Slovakia, and he’s inviting the office to discuss them.
The Education Ministry is organising a joint meeting of ten sporting associations, the Education Ministry’s sports section and Economy Ministry officials on Thursday (September 17). Drafting three state aid schemes to compensate for financial losses suffered by sports due to the coronavirus outbreak will be high on the agenda of the meeting.
“We assume that along with protecting public health, the functioning of the economy and the country should also be taken into consideration when limiting mass events. At the same time, when limiting the number of people in sport, it’s important to state which people it applies to – spectators, sportsmen or everybody,” said the state secretary. He’s proposing that sporting events should be permitted, with limits applied only to the number of spectators.
Husar also called on UVZ to consult coronavirus-related regulations in advance with the respective section of the ministry. He pointed to inconsistencies in measures limiting the number of participants in various kinds of events and the size of premises where these events are organised.