Stefanec: CoFoE Proof that EU Isn't Political Monolith

Bratislava, December 13 (TASR-correspondent) – The Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) opens up the European Union to the public, Slovak MEP Ivan Stefanec has stated in an interview for TASR.
“I expect a wide range of opinions and suggestions, which we will gradually incorporate into the form of legislative proposals,” said Stefanec.
According to the MEP, the pandemic has shown the EU’s strengths, but also areas that could be improved. “The fact that we are asking the public [for its opinions] more than ever is proof that the European Union isn’t a political monolith, but a dynamic structure that is always ready to change and improve,” he remarked.
Stefanec noted that he himself has partly contributed to the CoFoE debate by organising several events. These included economic perspectives and the views of churches and seniors.
“I would like to see the conclusions of such meetings published continually to encourage others to get involved,” he said.
Stefanec drew attention to a challenge faced by the EU: to make Europe more competitive and “bring it closer to its citizens”.
“I hope that by the end of the current term of the European Commission and European Parliament, the first [CoFoE] conclusions will be translated into concrete proposals,” he said.
The CoFoE is organised by the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission. The initiative gives EU citizens a say on the Union’s future direction.
A total of EU 800 citizens have been divided into four CoFoE panels, which will each meet three times. Each panel has an equal number of men and women and a proportional representation of people from urban and rural areas.