Sulik: It Doesn't Matter How System Changes, If Police President Isn't Honest

I wouldn’t focus on changing the rules for selecting the Police Corps president, but on the need to have an honest man at the helm of the police, Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) chair Richard Sulik said on TA3’s programme ‘V politike’ (In Politics) on Sunday.
When changing the rules for the Police Corps president’s election, we must say, according to Sulik, whether the interior minister should continue to be responsible for the functioning of the police. “If so, we must also give him the tools and we must also give him the opportunity to exchange or not to exchange the Police Corps president,” he added.
If the Police Corps president is to be completely independent of the interior minister, but society continues to perceive the head of the ministry as responsible for internal security in the country, it can’t work, Sulik believes. “Therefore, first of all, I wouldn’t focus on changing the rules and the method for how the Police Corps president is selected, but on the fact that there should finally be an honest and competent person in the position,” he noted.
He reiterated that the current Police Corps President Tibor Gaspar must leave his post and that he’s surprised by Interior Minister Tomas Drucker’s (a Smer-SD nominee) hesitation in this regard. “It’s nice of Mr. Drucker that he wants to change how the Police Corps president is elected, but the problem is that the wrong person, one who has failed to keep an eye on the investigation into massive frauds, is sitting in the Police Corps president chair at the moment. No matter how the system changes, Mr. Gaspar must leave. He’s a part of the problem, not of the solution,” said Sulik.