Sulik: Matovic Shows Once Again He Hasn't Got What It Takes to Be PM
Bratislava, March 4 (TASR) – Prime Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) has once again demonstrated that he still doesn’t have what it takes to be a premier and has underlined the need to overhaul the Cabinet with his recent statement regarding the option of cancelling the purchase of the Sputnik V vaccine, Economy Minister Richard Sulik (SaS) stated on Thursday.
“Matovic still hasn’t understood, even after spending one year in the post of prime minister, that it’s impossible to govern the country via Facebook. Agreements aren’t made via the public slander of coalition partners; they’re made at the negotiating table. The same goes for tens of millions of euros of taxpayers’ money; they can’t be spent overnight, they must be used with sound judgement. Igor Matovic has once again shown that he doesn’t have what it takes to be the prime minister, and his most recent Facebook status only underlined the need for a Cabinet reconstruction,” reads Sulik’s statement sent to TASR by SaS spokesman Ondrej Sprlak.
Matovic reported on Facebook on Thursday that the producer of Sputnik V is ready to cancel the contract for the purchase of two million doses of the vaccine as early as on Thursday, without any sanctions, in response to the looming threat of a government break-up in Slovakia over the issue.
With this in mind, Matovic called on OLaNO’s coalition partners as well as the public to provide their stance quickly.