Summary of New Changes to COVID-19 Automaton
Bratislava, May 14 (TASR) – TASR hereby presents a summary of changes to the new COVID-19 automaton:
– Ordinary face masks (or scarves and shawls) in place of respirators will be allowed indoors in orange and yellow districts.
– Face masks will be mandatory at mass events in orange and yellow districts.
– The obligation to measure body temperatures upon entry is being scrapped in all districts.
– No need to present a negative COVID-19 test result upon entry.
– Consumption of food and beverages in shopping malls is allowed only in orange, yellow and green districts.
– Seating areas and indoor playgrounds for children will remain closed.
– Maximum visitor capacity restrictions are set according to the colour of the district.
– No changes have been made.
– A negative antigen COVID-19 test result no older than 24 hours or a negative PCR test result no older than 72 hours will be required in all districts. This doesn’t concern children younger than 10.
– The maximum visitor capacity depends on the colour of the district.
– The maximum passenger capacity of a cable car depends on the colour of the district.
– The maximum guest capacity will be set at two adult people or two members of the same household per room in dark-, medium- and light-red districts. There will be no limit in other districts.
– Catering and wellness services in hotels will be governed by rules for other catering and wellness services.
– The consumption of food indoors will be allowed only in orange and yellow districts. Maximum capacity restrictions apply.
– The owner of a fitness centre can choose whether the maximum client capacity is set at a fixed number of customers or based on the area of the facility. The limits vary depending on the colour of the districts.
– A negative antigen COVID-19 test result no older than 24 hours or a negative PCR test result no older than 72 hours will be required in all districts. This doesn’t concern children younger than 10.
– Only individual tours are allowed in dark- and medium-red districts.
– Group tours will be allowed in other districts, with the maximum group capacity depending on the colour of the district.
– Theatres and cinemas will remain closed in dark-red districts.
– Indoor movie projections will be allowed in other districts.
– The maximum guest capacity and seating pattern will depend on the colour of the district.
– Patrons must be seated in all but green districts.
– A negative antigen COVID-19 test result no older than 24 hours or a negative PCR test result no older than 72 hours will be required in all districts. This doesn’t concern children younger than 10.
– Wellness facilities, aqua parks and spas can be open only in light-red, orange, yellow and green districts.
– Spas focused on treating medical conditions and diagnoses will be open in all districts.
– Restrictions will apply in all but green districts.
– Only two people per row of seats are allowed in the vehicle.
– After reaching the destination, drivers in dark-, medium- and light-red districts must disinfect the area in which their clients were seated.
– Mass events for no more than six people will be allowed in dark-red districts.
– Mass events for no more than ten people will be allowed in medium-red districts.
– Light-red districts: up to 25 people indoors or 50 people outdoors.
– Orange districts: if guests are seated: up to 25 percent of maximum capacity for indoor events, no more than 250 people; or up to 50 percent of maximum capacity for outdoor events, no more than 500 people
If guests stand: no more than 50 people indoors; or no more than 100 people outdoors.
– Yellow districts: if guests are seated: up to 50 percent of maximum capacity for indoor events, no more than 250 people; or up to 75 percent of maximum capacity for outdoor events, no more than 500 people
If guests stand: no more than 100 people indoors; or no more than 250 people outdoors.
– Green districts: seating: up to 75 percent of maximum capacity, no more than 500 people indoors or no more than 1,000 people outdoors;
standing: up to 50 percent of maximum capacity, no more than 500 people outdoors or no more than 1,000 people indoors.
– Organisers are obliged to keep record of the telephone or mail contacts of visitors for two weeks following an event. After this period, they are obliged to delete them.
– Wedding breakfasts and funeral wakes are banned in dark- and medium-red districts.
– Light-red districts: no more than 25 people indoors or 50 people outdoors
– Orange districts: no more than 50 people indoors or 100 people outdoors
– Yellow districts: no more than 100 people indoors or 250 people outdoors
– Green districts: standing guests: up to 50 percent of maximum capacity, no more than 500 indoors or 1,000 people outdoors
seated guests: up to 75 percent of maximum capacity, no more than 500 people indoors or 1,000 people outdoors.
– A negative antigen COVID-19 test result no older than 24 hours or a negative PCR test result no older than 72 hours is required in all districts.
– Dark-, medium- and light-red districts: only one person per 15 square metres is allowed (this doesn’t concern children younger than 10 who are accompanied by an adult). If the area is smaller than 90 square metres, the limit is set at six people.
– Orange, yellow and green districts: the rules for mass events apply according to the colour of the district.
– Sports clubs registered as belonging to associations will be able to play matches with spectators in light-red, districts as of May 15.
– A negative antigen COVID-19 test result no older than 24 hours or a negative PCR test result no older than 72 hours is required in all districts.
– Light-red districts: up to 25 percent of maximum capacity, no more than 250 people indoors or 500 people outdoors
– Orange, yellow and green districts: the rules for mass events apply.
– Organisers are obliged to keep record of visitors’ personal data (name, date of birth, telephone number, address) for two weeks. After this period, they must delete the information.
– Fans are to be seated in every second row.
– The consumption of food and beverages will be prohibited.
– There must be enough staff to oversee compliance with the rules.
– The number of competitors allowed depends on the colour of the district.
– Competitors must present a negative COVID-19 test result.
– Visits remain banned, but there are some exemptions, such as for priests to give the dying their last rites.
– It is possible to visit patients in palliative care.
– Rules for visits to care homes will be determined by the Labour Ministry.
– As for visitors, they must be inoculated, and at least two weeks must have passed since they received the second shot of an mRNA vaccine or four weeks since their first shot of a vector vaccine. At the same time, they must present a negative PCR or LAMP COVID-19 test that is no older than 72 hours or an antigen test result no older than 24 hours. No test result is needed if they have recovered from COVID-19 in the past three months.
The decrees will enter into force on May 17. Those concerning sporting events will enter into force on May 15, while those concerning visits to hospitals are in force as of Friday, May 14.
Source: Health Ministry