TASR Expands Range to Include Photos Taken by Drone

Bratislava, March 5 (TASR) – The News Agency of the Slovak Republic (TASR) is expanding its range of products for customers and the public to include photographs and videos taken using a drone.
During a trial run, the public-service agency published photos from the construction of the new intersection of the D1 and D4 motorways.
“I value the initiative and work of head of the picture desk Michal Svitok, who came up with this idea. We want to be an innovative agency, and so we’re seeking new ways to improve the quality of our services,” said TASR general director Vladimir Puchala.
TASR will use the pictures taken by drone not only when mapping current events, such as large construction projects or floods, but also when creating illustrative photos, which will probably be appreciated by web customers in particular. The agency is preparing thematic cycles as part of a project called ‘Slovakia from the Air’. The pictures will also enrich the agency’s archive.
“I welcomed the fact that the agency management has identified itself with my idea to focus on drone footage and thereby reinvigorate TASR’s picture news service. We’ll try to provide our customers with new perspectives on traditional and new structures, places and monuments within the rules of airspace use, and I’m looking forward to all the new projects that we’ll produce,” said Svitok.
TASR will publish photos and videos taken by drone for customers of current pre-paid packages in the picture service and video service.