TASR Launches NewsNow, First Slovak Public Service News in English

Bratislava, February 3 (TASR) – The aim of the new public service news website by TASR called NewsNow – now available at newsnow.tasr.sk – is to increase the availability of current issues in Slovakia in English.
In addition to timely text stories, the website also carries the weekly video news digest ‘Slovakia 24/7’ with Terry Moran and discussion shows featuring Pavol Demes and diplomats ‘CD Klub’ and ‘Svet tu a teraz’ (World Here And Now).
“Slovakia needs an online source of the latest information in English not only because of the Slovak presidency of the Council of the European Union, but also for investors, media and interested people from abroad,” said TASR general director Jaroslav Reznik. The Slovak EU presidency is to take place in the latter half of the year.
“We want to join those predominant news agencies in the world that are providing such a service to the public, also in the context of the upcoming conference of the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA), which is to take place for the first time in Bratislava this autumn,” said Reznik. An EANA conference and general assembly will be hosted by TASR on September 21-23.
The website is arranged in tabs and provides main news and feature stories from the fields of politics, economy, sport, culture and a video section.
TASR’s export service, which is part of the Foreign Desk of the agency, daily brings information from Slovakia to diplomatic missions, investors and other clients and its editors compile the stories.
According to TASR director of strategy Vladimir Puchala, the website is a digest of items published by TASR’s export service and multimedia projects of TABLET.TV. “It also offers schedules of upcoming events, summaries, and other news service items will remain in the English bulletin Daily News Monitor and weekly news monitors Slovak Weekly News, Economy & Business and Review of the News,” said Puchala.
NewsNow is to be an information map for the visitors to Slovakia. Subsequently, information such as contacts, tourism services, television production and also what and how to attend to things in Slovakia, to come up as well.