TASR to Release Series on Slovak Matters of Interest
Bratislava, April 26 (TASR) – The Slovak Press Agency (TASR) is releasing a new product – a series about interesting Slovak things that will be offered to subscribers from May.
TASR will produce at least 16 news and journalistic materials on a specific topic every month. The goal is to present the views of Slovakia’s inhabitants on the chosen theme, taking into account regional characteristics.
“We’ve listened carefully to our customers’ feedback on products, analysed their requirements and improved our service based on this. This is how we recently launched briefs, improved quality, increased the number and changed how sound clips are released, and now we’re modifying the current TASR themed series to better divide information over time. Some of our clients are interested in shorter articles, which are an added value to the news service. In cultural news, our ambition is to prioritise the original Slovak production. We want to be an efficient and useful partner for our range of different subscribers,” said TASR general director Vladimir Puchala.
The first part of the series (starting May 2) will be dedicated to the names and origins of Slovak streets, many of which have histories going back hundreds of years, including interesting stories behind the names or nostalgic stories from inhabitants. Within the series, TASR will write in the next few months about the most famous Slovak surnames, pilgrimage sites and forgotten buildings in towns and villages.
The series on Slovak matters of interest will partly replace the current TASR themed series, which has provided subscribers every Friday a summary of news from various areas. The new TASR themed series will be dedicated in particular to important topical events or milestones in Slovakia’s history.