Tiger on Loose at Slovak-Ukrainian Border

Ulic, September 4 (TASR) – The authorities in the village of Ulic in eastern Slovakia have warned the public about a young roaming tiger that has fled a private menagerie in the Ukrainian settlement of Strychava just over the Slovak-Ukrainian border.
The Slovak border police were notified about the escape from their Ukrainian counterparts on Saturday evening.
The animal has been recorded by camera traps in Poloniny National Park in the meantime. Head of the park administration office Miroslav Bural told TASR on Sunday that the tiger was transported to Strychava from a zoo in eastern Ukraine at the beginning of the war in the country when it was only a cub.
According to Bural, the several-month-old tiger hasn’t been spotted by people on the Slovak side of the border yet and it’s possible that it has crossed back into Ukraine. The beast is used to the presence of people as families with children came to take pictures with him in his large cage.