Survey: Corruption Serious Problem for Most Slovaks

Bratislava, March 15 (TASR) - Corruption is a serious problem for the majority of Slovaks, and many also think that it will increase or remain unchanged under the current government, according to a poll conducted by Focus at the end of February for the Let's Stop Corruption Foundation, TASR was told by foundation's communication specialist Norbert Chomistek on Friday.
For 86.6 percent of respondents, corruption is a very or rather serious problem, the survey showed; 1.2 percent of Slovaks don't consider it a problem at all and 3.9 percent think it is not a serious problem, and 8.3 percent of the people polled have no opinion on corruption.
According to the results, Slovaks (37.7 percent) think that corruption will increase or not change at all during the current government (31.8 percent). A total of 13.4 percent expect a decrease and the rest (17.1 percent) have no opinion. "However, people don't see much difference between politicians, they perceive them similarly negatively in terms of corruption," said Martin Suchy, an analyst at the foundation, noting that 66 percent think all politicians are the same and every single one of them steals.
Meanwhile, Slovaks think that the police (50.5 percent), the prosecutor's office and courts (49.5 percent) and the government (33.2 percent) should primarily fight corruption. When asked who they think actually fights corruption, respondents mentioned journalists (36.2 percent), the public (32 percent) and NGOs (25.3 percent).
The survey mapped the sentiments of Slovaks at the time of the scrapping of the Special Prosecutor's Office. It was carried out on a sample of 1,502 respondents.