UVZ: Swimming Pools, Lidos, Cinemas and Theatres Remain Closed

Bratislava, April 16 (TASR) – Swimming pools and lidos, wellness facilities, gyms, theatres, cinemas and concert venues will remain closed even after April 19, when Slovakia is due to ease slightly some of the coronavirus restrictions, TASR learnt from the Public Health Authority (UVZ) on Friday.
Shopping centres, which will be allowed from Monday to open even stores selling other than essential items, will be obliged to close sitting sections and kid zones. “This should motivate people not to spend more time there than necessary for shopping,” said UVZ spokesperson Dasa Rackova.
Restaurants will only be allowed to sell food that is taken away or delivered.
Body care facilities will be obliged to disinfect the area after every customer.
Only one person per 15 square metres will be allowed to enter any facility and church. If any given facility is smaller than this, one customer will be allowed in. If a church is smaller than 90 square metres, a maximum of six people will be allowed, apart from minors below ten in the company of an adult.
Special shopping hours for the elderly and disabled with an accompanying person remain in place for 9-11 a.m.
Museums, galleries and exhibition halls will be able to organise only individual tours, while mass events will be allowed for six people at most. Coaches at sporting events won’t be included in this limit.
It was announced that a negative test for coronavirus will be required to enter all these facilities, except for churches.