Valasek: CoFoE Might Help Push Some Topics to Forefront

Bratislava, December 21 (TASR) – The preparation for potential future banking collapses, potential inability to pay up the eurozone debt, migration policy reform, and defence of Europe without the United States are all topics that might push the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) forward, if the EU member states treat CoFoE seriously, TASR was told by independent MP Tomas Valasek on Tuesday.
“The EU is doing these conferences more-or-less periodically, whenever frustrations pile up over what works in the EU and what doesn’t. Quite a number has piled up now,” stated Valasek.
The MP pointed out that not all of such conferences met with success in the past, citing the so-called Convention on the Future of the European Union that gave rise in 2001-03 to the draft of the EU Constitution, which subsequently failed to pass via referendums in several EU countries.
Some of its provisions have carried over into the Lisbon Treaty at the end of the day. “The member states will remember this lack of success well, which is why I believe they will set their expectations more realistically this time around,” he added.