Vladimir Puchala and Marian Tkac Interested in TASR General Director Post

Bratislava, August 24 (TASR) – Two applicants have shown interest in the general director post of the News Agency of the Slovak Republic (TASR): Vladimir Puchala, who is currently heading TASR on a temporary basis, and Slovak heritage institution Matica Slovenska head Marian Tkac, according to the results of Thursday’s session of TASR board of directors where envelopes with candidate names were opened.
Both envelopes have been delivered within the set deadline, i.e. by Friday (August 18), said TASR board of directors chairman Vladimir Masar. “Both envelopes were opened in front of the board of directors by a lawyer. It was stated that both envelopes from both of the applicants met all the requirements set by the law,” said Masar.
Both applicants will thereby be invited for a public hearing due to take place on September 5 where they will present their projects. Subsequently, the board of directors will choose TASR’s new general director. The public hearing will take place at 11:30 a.m. in the Culture Ministry’s facility at Biela Street 3.
TASR’s now former general director Jaroslav Reznik announced his resignation from the post on July 17. He assumed the post of public service RTVS director in early August. Puchala has been tasked with managing TASR until the new general director is elected.