Blanar: Matovic Stirring Up Greater-Hungarian Fervour

Bratislava, April 14 (TASR) – Finance Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) is stirring up Greater-Hungarian fervour, Smer-SD and Parliamentary Vice-chair Juraj Blanar stated on Wednesday in reaction to Matovic’s recent visit to Budapest during which he bypassed the Slovak embassy in Hungary, choosing OLaNO MP Gyorgy Gyimesi as his only companion.
“Since he was forced to resign as premier, he’s gone on, this time by stirring up Greater-Hungarian fervour. After losing public trust, knowing that he’ll never be premier again, he’ll make use of anything he can to defend his actions at all costs. He’ll even play the Hungarian card,” said Blanar, adding that Matovic exploited “the unknown OLaNO MP Gyimesi”.
According to Blanar, Gyimesi “dreams” of forming modern Hungarian national identity in southern Slovakia. “He hails Hungarian unification and national identity, but on Slovak territory. All of this is taking place with the support and knowledge of Matovic, contrary to all diplomatic rules,” remarked Blanar.
In this regard, Blanar stressed the importance of good neighbourly relations and the need to work on them with respect for all national minorities in Slovakia. “This is why I reject these dangerous games of Igor Matovic,” he said, claiming that the “hidden dictator” within Matovic is becoming ever more visible.