Caputova at UN General Assembly Calls for Solidarity Concerning COVID-19 Vaccine

New York/Bratislava, September 23 (TASR) – In her speech during the general debate at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, Slovak President Zuzana Caputova called on individual countries in the world to feel solidarity in the development and production of a COVID-19 vaccine.
Caputova called for an exchange of information between scientists, vaccine manufacturers and governments.
“We mustn’t allow that the development and production of a vaccine and protective equipment will become another global competition,” said Caputova. According to her, world leaders are responsible for establishing an equal situation in relations between nations also in view of the current COVID-19 pandemic.
“We must provide the vaccine to every inhabitant of our planet, whether or not they can afford to pay for it,” she said, adding that providing these life-saving commodities shouldn’t be a matter of profit, but of humanity.
Caputova noted that if the world wants to avoid any crisis, responsible leadership, which has a common global interest, is important. This is to preserve the best of international organisations and cooperation regimes, which are often the driving forces behind effective solutions.
The Slovak president pointed out that it is the responsibility of governments and political leaders to make decisions based on facts and knowledge, not on political calculations. Incompetence, misinformation and populism have fatal consequences.