Economy Minister Sulik Withstands No-confidence Vote in Parliament

Bratislava, October 27 (TASR) – Parliament on Wednesday failed to dismiss Economy Minister Richard Sulik (SaS) in a no-confidence vote initiated by the opposition Smer-SD party.
Of the 136 MPs present, only 50 voted in favour of Sulik’s dismissal. The 50 MPs included lawmakers from Smer-SD, the People’s Party Our Slovakia (LSNS) as well as a number of Independents. Conversely, the caucuses of the coalition parties supported the minister.
Smer MPs originally accused Sulik of failing to present a single rational solution to address the situation with growing energy prices in the country. Smer also blamed Sulik for what it sees as a debacle in preparing the opening of the Slovak pavilion at the global EXPO in Dubai, which it claims has caused international embarrassment for Slovakia. zel/mcs