Eurobarometer: Trust among Slovaks in Police Rose after March Fall

Bratislava, February 13 (TASR) – The latest Eurobarometer survey shows that Slovaks’ trust in national institutions increased in November 2018 following a rapid decline last March in connection with the murders of journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kusnirova at the end of the previous month.
While, for example, in March 2018 a mere 38 percent of Slovaks trusted the police following the murders, trust rose to 45 percent in November. However, the figure is still low compared to the EU average – 72 percent.
In March, the government was trusted by 21 percent of Slovaks, while the figure grew to 32 percent in November. The army is the most trusted institution in Slovakia, enjoying the confidence of 59 percent of the respondents.
“The events of February and March last year actually are behind the decline in trust in the government and police. And a relatively successful investigation and detention of suspects is behind the restored confidence,” said political scientist Pavol Babos.
Meanwhile, Slovaks’ trust in EU institutions is little higher. Specifically, 43 percent of Slovaks trust the European Commission and 46 percent the European Parliament. Around 43 percent of Slovaks trust the European Union in general, while the EU average is 42 percent.