Gov't Okays Update to Pandemic Measures, Capacity-Limiting Modes Be Scrapped

Bratislava, February 23 (TASR) – At its session on Wednesday, the Government approved an update to the anti-pandemic measures under which the OTP, OP and OP+ modes with their capacity limits will be scrapped as of February 26.
This initial period of eased anti-pandemic measures will be in effect until March 25.
According to the approved material tabled by the the Health Ministry, the maximum capacity is to be increased to 500 people or a maximum of 50 percent of the capacity for low- and medium-risk events, such as church services, sports events or cultural events, as of February 26. For high-risk events, such as weddings or funerals, the maximum capacity will be 50 people, while in both cases the basic mode [with non-vaccinated people allowed to enter] will be in place.
The basic mode will also apply to sports competitions and training with a capacity limit of up to 100 athletes.
Regardless of vaccinations and testing, the public will also have access to fitness, wellness, aqua parks or spa facilities, with a capacity limit of 50 people or one person per 15 square metres of the covered area.
The basic mode will also be in force in museums, galleries, exhibition halls and accommodation facilities. The use of common areas will be governed by the rules for mass events.
Restaurants will also be open to all, while only sitting will be allowed. A respirator will be required outside the tables.
Long-distance transport, public transport, suburban transport and taxis will also be without restrictions, however, people will still be obliged to wear a respiratory mask.
A respiratory mask is still mandatory indoors and outdoors at mass events as well as outdoors at a distance of up to two metres from other people.
The second phase of easing the measures will begin on March 26, when capacity restrictions will be lifted and the obligation to wear a respiratory or face mask will be adjusted.
The document adds that a possible change in the schedule of the relaxation or adjustment of the measures themselves may be justified in the event of a change in the epidemic situation in Slovakia in the form of a significant increase in hospitalisations.