Interior Ministry Opened First Quarantine Centre in Gabcikovo on Saturday
Bratislava, March 16 (TASR) – The Interior Ministry on Saturday (March 14) opened the first quarantine centre in Gabcikovo (Trnava region) for Slovak citizens who have returned from abroad and have nowhere to spend their 14-day quarantine period without endangering their families or those close to them, Interior Ministry spokesman Petar Lazarov has told TASR, adding that 34 people are currently being accommodated there.
The quarantine centre was set up by the Interior Ministry’s Crisis Management Section in cooperation with the Slovak Samaritans Association, which is experienced when it comes to building and operating temporary emergency camps. Their job also includes providing telephone information to potential clients about the options for accommodation or the conditions in such places.
The centre has been accepting clients since Saturday. “When they arrive, the clients are enrolled in an electronic registration system, which enables online monitoring of the situation at the quarantine centre, as well as the provision of continuous information to the relevant authorities,” said Lazarov.
The Samaritans are adhering to above-standard hygiene and anti-epidemic measures in order to protect both themselves and the clients of the facility, who are obliged to observe strict regulations as well.
As part of the measures to prevent the coronavirus infection from spreading, everyone who returns to Slovakia from abroad must go into quarantine for 14 days. Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) said on Sunday (March 15) that lodging houses of other ministries will be made available if the Gabcikovo centre is unable to accommodate any more people.