Krajci: Situation in Slovakia Serious Due to COVID-19

Bratislava, October 16 (TASR) – The situation in Slovakia in connection with the novel coronavirus is serious, Health Minister Marek Krajci (OLaNO) told a press conference on the current epidemiological situation in connection with COVID-19 on Friday, adding that every day, the country is reporting record increases in the number of infected, hospitalised and critically ill patients and is on the Czech path.
“The situation will be bad. This can’t be stopped overnight,” said Krajci, believing that the results of the measures adopted will be seen over time. Slovakia is starting to have significantly redder districts in the north and south. The situation is similar in Austria, the one in Hungary is somewhat worse. The worst is still in the Czech Republic. The situation is also deteriorating in Poland, especially in border areas. However, according to the head of the Health Ministry, the course of the number of infected people in Slovakia is almost the same as in the Czech Republic. He pointed out that the lower the mobility of people, the lower the chance of the disease spreading.
The reproduction number in Slovakia ranges from 1.3 to 1.5. The average number of people infected per day is 1,341 people, a week ago it was 756. The number of people admitted to hospitals increased from 324 to 464 patients.
Slovakia has also set records in testing for COVID-19. The daily average rose to 9,411 tests. There are currently 72 districts in the ‘red’ phase. There are seven districts in the ‘orange’ phase. Slovakia does not currently have any green districts.