Premier: Valid Tests Needed to Travel to Red Districts after Weekend

Bratislava, November 4 (TASR) – Anyone who after the coming weekend wants to move around within so-called red districts in which a second round of mass testing for coronavirus will be held will have to show negative test upon request, Prime Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) told a news conference on Wednesday.
If next week a person needs to travel, for example, from Bratislava to the district of Dunajska Streda (Trnava region), where a second round of testing will take place, they’ll have to have a certificate showing that they’ve undergone an antigen or PCR test, said Matovic. People living in green zones will have to travel to red ones to have themselves tested.
Matovic also said that municipalities that are located on the borders between red and green districts will probably be exposed to higher influxes of people. Therefore, he’s asked Defence Minister Jaroslav Nad (OLaNO) to make sure that they’ll be able to test people from neighbouring districts as well.
“We’ll do our best to enable people from every green district in which a second round won’t take place to have themselves tested as of Monday (November 9),” said Matovic.
The prime minister is concerned that voluntary sites where people will be able to be tested free of charge might be very busy as well. “I asked the health minister today to do his best to make these testing sites available in 25 districts, and there should be even more of them in Bratislava and Kosice, as their populations are larger,” added Matovic.
The premier on Monday (November 2) announced that mobile testing sites will be set up in all district towns, where people will be able to undergo testing with antigen tests free of charge.