Rutte: We Need Rapid and Radical Change in NATO

Bratislava, February 20 (TASR) - The NATO needs a rapid and radical change to be ready to face the current challenges, NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte stated in an address at the Comenius University in Bratislava, reiterating his call for a significant increase in NATO's defence spending, above 3 percent of GDP, as well as an increase in the capabilities of the defence industry in Europe.
Rutte pointed out that security is under threat not only in Europe, but all over the world, warning that Russia, which unleashed the war in Ukraine, is rebuilding its military capabilities much faster than expected and "has allied itself with China, North Korea and Iran".
Even if the war in Ukraine is brought to an end, the NATO secretary general said, the threats won't disappear and the Alliance "must prepare for intense global competition". For this reason, member states should invest more in their own security.
"We need a giant leap forward in our collective defence," said Rutte, who thinks member states need to invest "much more than 3 percent" in their defence, as national armies are deficient in several areas, including long-range missiles, air defence and logistics. "We have many shortfalls and we can't pay for them from 2 percent," he said, pointing out that the future level of defence spending by Alliance members will be decided at this year's NATO summit in The Hague.
"Today we're spending and doing more, but we are far from where we need to be. We need a rapid and radical change. NATO is strong, but we need to be even stronger," said Rutte, highlighting the Alliance's robust plans for the defence of member states. "To be able to fully implement them, we need more resources, more forces and more capabilities," he said.