Slovakia Wants to Increase Number of Tests for Coronavirus Tenfold

Slovakia Wants to Increase Number of Tests for Coronavirus Tenfold

Bratislava, March 23 (TASR) – Slovakia currently has 13,000 testing kits for novel coronavirus at its disposal, and it should acquire another 19,000 in the next few days, as the Government wants to increase the number of people being tested by tenfold to 3,000 a day, said Prime Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) on Monday.

“It’s possible that we could acquire 200,000 regular testing kits, but we’ll able to say for sure later today or tomorrow,” said Matovic.

Meanwhile, the state will also attempt to obtain different test kits according to a protocol used by the WHO and Czech virologist Sona Pekova, who joined a video conference with the Slovak Public Health Authority on Monday morning.