Sulik Asked Farage Why He Bugged Out After Brexit Referendum

The now former UKIP leader Nigel Farage should not have ‘bugged out’ from the party’s top as soon as Brexit results were announced, MEP and leader of the Opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party Richard Sulik said on TA3’s discussion programme ‘V politike’ (In Politics) on Sunday.
UKIP supported Britain’s exit from the European Union during the referendum campaign. Sulik does not like Farage’s decision to resign. He also told that to him in person in the European Parliament. “I reproached him for that. I told him he should have stayed there so that it didn’t look like an escape,” said Sulik. Farage told him he quit after he’d fulfilled his mission.
Sulik could imagine Farage as the European Parliament president, as it would take a different course under his command. Antonio Tajani became the new European Parliament President a couple of days ago. “With this guy, the European Parliament will go roughly in the same direction as it has until now,” stated Sulik.
Sulik, in the discussion programme, also explained his recent statement that “you need two wings to fly”. According to him, it’s not detrimental to the party if its members don’t share the same opinions on everything. Sulik admitted that the name of Martin Poliacik is chiefly mentioned in this connection, adding that they disagree, for example, on the issue of migration or Islam.
However, Sulik said he would not label it as the other wing within the party. According to Sulik, only about two or three people in the party incline to Poliacik’s opinions. Sulik respects his opinions. He declared that as far as principal issues are concerned, the party is solid.
Sulik will personally deal with regional elections in the party. SaS disagrees with scrapping the second round of the regional governor election. It rather finds it necessary to introduce the second round also for electing mayors of towns and villages. “A two-round election is desirable in the case that one person is elected,” stated Sulik. He rather sees potential savings in merging elections. SaS supports merging local and regional elections, but it would also welcome a merger of the presidential and regional elections.
Sulik finds the probability of there being early elections to be low. In his words, the governing coalition is stable, since “it’s united by the business”.
Sulik also said that his party will present the so-called health-care reforming team in the days to come.